Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thing 14: Online Videos

1. Create a post in your blog about the exercise by answering any of these questions:

*What did you think of “An Anthropological Introduction YouTube?”
This video is very informative and educational, I also agree with the idea – when media change, human relations change.

*What makes a “Viral Video” go rival?
I think if the following elements could create a viral video~~
 --Interesting
 --Something that people could relate to or care
 --Humorous
 --Or something really funny and make everyone laugh

*When exploring youtube, how did you discover new vides? Through specific search terms or browsing related videos?
I will use advanced search – set the specific term, the date, language.

*How might you use Youtube as a way to engage your audience?
I think we can videotape our programs and shorten the video to 10-15 minutes and upload the youtube, that can attract our audience and publicize our programs. We may also make our IRC introduction to be a video and upload to the youtube.

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