Sunday, December 20, 2009

Thing 6: Finding RSS Feeds

1. Add at least five resources that have RSS feeds to your reader using one of the sites listed in this Thing.

a. “What’s news in Asia”
Source from Asian Wall Street Journal

b. “Taiwan” from Times Topic
Source from New York Times

c. Consumer news from Pueblo RSS Feed
From US government

d. Asia and Pacific News
From US Army

e. H1N1 vaccine

I added the above five topics, our officer always requests articles from AWSJ and NY times, so I add the RSS feeds from these two sites with the topics of Taiwan and Asia. For the H1N1 vaccine is the hot issue in Taiwan society. I will receive more updates from adding the feed of "H1N1 Vaccine" at the

2. Go to and find a section of the Web site that you'd like to receive feeds from.

The feed I added from is: East Asia andEast Asia and the Pacific

3. Create a Google Alert on a topic that interests you.

I have created two alerts at Google Alert
a. AIT
b. 司徒文 (AIT director's name in chinese)

4. Describe how RSS may help you in your job and in your life.
IRC assistant received reference questions from AIT officers about current news, we has to know what happen in the Washington D.C. so receiving an RSS feeds from and some newspapers will save lots of our time, and make our job more efficient and serve our officer better. Creating a google alert, the news on our director will simply sent to my email account, I don't need to go to different websites to search news. I also created a google alert on "entrance exam", because my son will take this exam next summer, all the updated news on the entrance exam will sent to my email account automatically, so I won't miss any important news on this.

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